About Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme
Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme believes that children learn best when they enjoy what they are doing, and that childhood is a time when the world seems full of wonder. Therefore, the scheme partners with family day care educators that provide environments that promote a sense of belonging, as well as opportunities that instigate connections and creative locations to explore.
The registered residence or venue’s environments are places of inspiration, where curiosity is encouraged and where minds grow and expand through play. Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme believes that with these solid foundations children will exceed. The philosophy provides a framework for all individuals associated with a registered residence or approved venue, educators, coordination team, management, approved provider and parent/s or guardian/s to guide practices at all times. Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme has a commitment to ensuring that all individuals connected with registered residences and venues, families and staff feel supported in the important work that they do.
Within Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme, all associated personnel in a position of management, endeavours to support educators to create an environment that is inclusive, promotes exploration, learning through play and abundance of opportunities for self-discovery, supporting children's individual needs, interests and abilities. Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme believes all children have the right to be treated equally and with respect, regardless of race, language, ability or gender. Early education is fundamental for future learning and as such educators will provide programs that are designed to prepare children for their transition to the wider community and help them become confident, independent active members of society.
Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme’s Philosophy is…
- For educators to provide a safe, well supervised environment for children to explore, play and exceed.
- For educators to provide educational and creative programs from an approved learning framework based on individual and group observations.
- For educators to provide experiences to enrich children's awareness of the environment and provide a sense of connection to the natural world.
- For educators to provide opportunities for children's learning about living healthy lives.
- For educators to be honest, having open communication with families, respecting their rights and opinions. Interactions will convey respect and recognition of family's skills and strengths.
- Educators will encourage family involvement and feedback into the development and delivery of our educational programs.
Code of Conduct
Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme holds the protection and wellbeing of children as paramount in the operation of all registered residences and venues.
The code of conduct provides a framework for all individuals associated with a registered residence or venue, including all educators, the coordination team, management, approved provider and parent/s or guardian/s to guide practices at all times.
This will be used to guide all associated personnel’s practices at all times.
Educators, the coordination team, the approved providers and management will -- At all times respect any person involved in the provision of education and care, treating them courteously and with dignity.
- Adhere to the legal framework and the systems that govern Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme.
- Ensure the rights of the child at all times; treating all children with courtesy, kindness, respect and equality.
- Ensure that all individuals are treated without bias regardless of ability, gender, religion, culture, family structure economic status or ability.
- To preserve conduct that is not discriminatory or harassing to others, guarantee that behaviour is not offensive, discriminatory, threating or exclusive.
- Report any concerns of child safety to Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme and to the required regulatory authorities.
- To observe the scheme’s Complaints Policy and resulting procedures.
- Maintain confidentiality of any and all information relating to the children and families, educators and their families and the coordination team.
Information about our Educators
An environment where children are nurtured to explore, play and exceed prepares children for their transition to the wider community while developing a sense of wonder and curiosity that will create lifelong learners. Overwhelming support in early education research acknowledges that exploring in nature based surroundings nurtures the holistic child, improving physical development, building healthy immune systems and establishing emotional intelligence from an early age.
Our dedicated educators strive to ensure that there is a strong sense of identity within each individual child, that they are connected and contribute to their varying ecological systems, that each child's well-being is of the highest priority, their confidence is fostered as they learn through play, and their language is expanded upon through multiple mediums.