Useful websites

Centrelink or 136150

Queensland Government Department of Education and Training

My Child

Parents Help Line or 1300 03 1300

Kids Help Line or 1800 551 800

Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services or 13 74 68

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)

Starting Blocks (information about early education and care)

Links to community assistance support


Comprehensive, practical and evidence based approaches to assist in the task of parenting can be found at the following sites.

Car Seat Safety

Ensuring that children are safe when traveling is a fundamental part of raising children in a safe environment and as such educators are required to have yearly car seat safety checks, ensuring that each child is an age and height appropriate seat. For more information about car seat safety, you can access the following links.


Sleep and rest is a vital part of each child’s day, and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children during they this time, all educators participate in the Red Nose Safe Infant Sleeping e-learning online course, which provides an introduction to current evidence-based information about sudden unexpected deaths in infancy, fatal sleeping accidents, and the infant care practices demonstrated to reduce the risk of SIDS. Everyone can access more information at

Our Sleep and Rest Policy can be accessed here …. Information about safe sleep and rest practices in child care can be accessed at


Healthy eating and active bodies ensures the continued wellbeing of all children and the following information can be used by families and educators to assist children in getting the right start to life.

Child Protection

Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme and all associated personnel understand and ensure to the highest of standards that each child is protected. The safety of children is taken very seriously and their freedom from all abuse is at the forefront of every decision and action made by an associate of Nurturing Family Day Care Scheme.   This comprises of; The Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy and all associated elements that are required in accordance with the Blue Card Services, to ensure that the risk of harm to children in a regulated service is identified and minimised; and; How the environment is kept safe for children. 

Resources on mandatory reporting can be accessed on the Queensland Government’s Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services website;  

If concerned the Regional Intake Services (RIS) are part of the Department of Community, Child Safety and Disability Services and receive information about child protection concerns and can be contacted in

Child Safety and the Queensland police are responsible for investigating an allegation of child abuse. Any allegation of abuse by a proprietor, staff member, educator or visitor to an education and care service must immediately be reported directly to Police on the emergency number 000. 

If there is concern about a child, but the risk isn’t meeting the threshold for reporting to Child Safety, Family and Child Connect phone number can be given to the family, or with their permission, an educator can contact them on, 13FAMILY or 13 32 64.